How to cook Triggerfish

baked mullet


  1. Place olive oil in a non stick pan on #5 setting on your stove. Cook trigger fish on each side for approximately 3 to 5 minutes or until brown on each side.
  2. Mean time melt butter in small pan, saute garlic and butter until garlic turns golden, do not burn garlic.
  3. Remove triggerfish from pan and place two small fillets on each plate. Add crapes to butter/garlic mixture and just warm crapes.
  4. Pour this mixture over triggerfish fillets. If brocolli is chosen as a side dish, steam it until your desired texture is achieved, place it on the plate with the triggerfish fillets and pour garlic and crape sauce over both fillets and brocolli.
  5. Sprinkle paprika over fish and serve.

    Thanks to Renatas Skrupskelis for the recipe!

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