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Weight vest
Weight vest: is mostly used for cold water divers who use thick wetsuits and require more weight and better weight distribution than what only a weight belt can afford. Better weight distribution may also be required when diving very shallow. Weight vest is not meant to replace the weight belt, but rather be used in conjunction with it. About two thirds of the weight should go on the belt so that in the event you drop the belt there will...Read more -
Weights: Weights are needed to help the spearfisher get to the bottom without using too much oxygen. A spearfisher should be positively buoyant as far down as 10m so, in the case of a blackout, the spearfisher does not sink. A good guide for whether you have the appropriate weight on your weight beltRead more...
Weight belt: Weight belts are used to secure dive weights around your waste. Generally you will be wearing a wetsuit while spearfishing. Wetsuits often consist of neoprene which is an extremely buoyant material and you would be unable to dive deep without weights on your weight belt. Weight belts are made of webbing or rubber. Rubber weight belts are higher quality and more practical for spearfishing as they won't slide around. It is a good idea to invest in a rubber...Read more -
Spearfishing Wetsuit
Wetsuit: Wetsuits is also a very important piece of spearfishing equipment as it is what you will wear whilst spearfishing. A wetsuit provides the diver with some insulation against the cold whereas. For Irish waters we are recommending 5-7 mm wetsuitsRead more...
Fins: Spearfishing dive fins help propel you through that water whilst spearfishing making it easier and faster to swim from point A to B. Dive fins come in two different types: long bladed, where the foot slides into, and short bladed which uses a strap around your heel to hold the fin on. Most spearfishers prefer the long blade variety of dive fins as they provide more power for less effort. It is essential that the fins do not tire the...Read more